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Algerian Abstract

how to cook

what you’ll need
measuring spoons (you can buy them at grocery stores, teaspoons to tablespoons)
measuring cup (grocery store)
pots pans
sterile rubber gloves gloves for handling food
egg timer
knives etc

the longer you cook on low or med-low/high the more flavor you’ll get out of your meal

the measuring spoons are to follow recipes, example: pot stickers from Lin Lin the yellow bag, it needs 1/2 cup of water and 1tsp (15ml) corn oil, if you measure the ingredients it’ll come out perfect 100% of the time.

the egg timer is to keep exact cooking times

less herbs mean better sometimes

if you need to thicken sauces, try a little flour

follow the directions exact on stuff like hamburger helper and Kraft Mac and cheese


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