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Computer Servers

dev servers for small teams (v. expensive)

there are options when developing unix/linux software remote. you can use GitHub (I haven’t used GitHub often) or there are more elaborate things you can do

you can sign up with google cloud which allows for a remote linux server (costs money, can cost upwards of 500$/mo with compiles unless a smaller server is picked).

id suggest a good linux admin, a trustworthy group of developers (unless the admin can spend time securing everyone), stuff like emacs with communal plugins (company flycheck function-args company-c-headers maybe irony) a built in nntp/irc server, a ftp server for files, a postfix/imap server for emails, maybe remote x11 and other services. additionally the admin or a team of programmers or even a solo programmer can customize linux install on the cloud by adding stuff like a documentation server, or other stuff

also this allows for stuff like development of communal foss projects on raspberry pis and cheap laptops (connect to server, write code there, and compile on server and test)

there are to be strict rules by the person paying, and remember the payee is paying for server time and cpu time.

the virtual private servers (they’re called clouds) can come with heavy specifications, I believe up to 8+ cores, a large set of memory, fast internet access, and its a full blown image of something like fedora or Debian. I dont think they support freebsd but you can install it

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