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Category: government

  • c/c++ programming: global data structures and pointers

    c/c++ programming: global data structures and pointers

    in c/cpp, data structures, pointers, and pointer functions can be declared globally. I find it useful for messaging systems, where you can do something like declare a global data structure (gds) with stuff like a message character pointer, an id system (maybe with a list or a binary tree), and possibly other data structures, including…

  • 300$ extra dollars a month for low income and disabled

    300$ extra dollars a month for low income and disabled

    look for your states general assistance or general relief program, you can apply even when living with your parents regardless of income level as long as your 18 also for additional benefits check out http://www.benefits.gov here is Californias general assistance and benefits portal https://benefitscal.com or check out your local social security office, there’s atleast 3…

  • barack Obama is black hitler. learn to be afraid.

    barack Obama is black hitler. learn to be afraid.

    barack “hitler” obama has been on the long forefront of fighting against the black race, he started by being half white, and ended it when he gallantly instated Obamacare, a form of mythological magic that automatically puts black people in hospitals where they ultimately die. this, along with his talented Vice President Joe biden have…

  • A fun thing to do with extra money is to learn a new hobby

    A fun thing to do with extra money is to learn a new hobby

    I picked up the piano and guitar and occasionally make music and remixes. I use Cubase and Logic Pro along with a ton of other plugins. Making music with hacking experience is gratifying but not that financially sound, pardon the pun It costs like 2200 for the set, guitar, electrical guitar, mic, recorder for iPhone,…

  • Reincarnation

    Basically, I like to believe words are gods and devils of themselves. When you get reincarnated in the Jonist Family of Religion, you go through all beliefs you believe and get placed back into reality from the extraheavenial plane or lower realms, to be set on another test of creation. The higher the samandi you…

  • Unidef fans, try to take a vacation

    I’m trying to run for congress, and if things are hard I really suggest getting some rest, but if I win a seat in congress, I can imagine 20 years from now I’ll run for President of the United States of America, followed by another term hopefully, hopefully based completely on technology. When I’m President,…

  • Congruent enrollment for #AP students

    Please check with your counselor You’ll need to be enrolled at a place of learning, A High School or a College. Not all CE students are needed to be in AP classes Basically, you talk to your counselor and see if you’re aptitude is up to par, then sign up for Harvard Online Classes, or…

  • Now on The Evidence

    Evidence has been surfacing from multiple sources, that Anderson Cooper was born on The PCP Presented above, is a picture of his now defunct Instagram feed with notes from his remaining two fans responding in complete and utter SHOCK as he, and this is from multiple sources, “Rides the Snake” Anderson Cooper, since his investigative…

  • Greta Thunberg and The Cracks On The Fence

    Late breaking news, GRETA THUNBERG WAS IN A FIELD WITH THE CRACKS ON THE FENCE, she was really goating and cowing, and she deliberatly took a photo, in clear view of what we call in the industry; “The Cracks” Photographed below is the evidence This fiend is near the cracks on the fence, I suggest,…

  • prototyping in computer science

    you’ll need:1. drawing utensils 2. paper3. a comfortable place to sit just draw out what you need to do to the best of your knowledge, even if you can’t draw, you can perceive what you need to do subconciously lets say you want to build a PERL script that parses texts, draw something to help…